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Something about this track just gets me. I LOVE the super-relaxed, jazz-type feel. The bridge was so simple, yet perfectly suited...most people try to make the bridge more complex, and you turned that ion it's head. Now for the improvements part: the whole mix needed some dynamic range. The volume and tone remain the same throughout, which left it feeling a bit like elevator music. I'd also like to push for some vocals. Specifically, it almost needs a little girls voice telling a creepy story. This would be a MARVELOUS track for narration.

-Ceevro. R4R

Azhthar responds:

Glad you liked it! I knew the problem with the dynamik rangebut this was a bit of a problem of the instrument I choose. Actually I did some extreme velocity editing to the metallophone but it has nearly no velocity response... Then there is the huge tailing of that spacy reverb... If I just do a volume automation it just sounds so unnatural. Actually I also tried different instruments and a music box also suited that track quite well and there was way more possibilties in the dynamics. Actually this changed the feeling of the track completely making it much more "mellow" or "soft" in tone and I didnĀ“t like this very much. I definetely agree that this is more kind of a background track. Some narrative vocals would be nice. Do you know someone? ;)

Full marks here, man! I wish I could do orchestral stuff myself, but my mixing programs just never seem to be able to give me anything even close to realistic sound....I don't know how you did it, short of actually hiring a durn orchestra, but this could easily be seen in any epic movie soundtrack.

DamienFleisch responds:

It's like most other forms of music, just takes some tools, practice, and time :)

Thanks for the review!

LOVE the distonic sound of this! This is now the soundtrack to every interaction I will ever have with a cat. They're totally like this...


motakay responds:

Haha! Thanks! I am glad you liked it! :)

Love that! Only thing that could make it better would be real guitars (but perhaps I'm a bit biased)!!


Stavier responds:

Thanx & yeah, this is probably the most realistic sounding guitar I got since I'm not good enough of a guitar player or anything :P

Hey, I know that sometimes mistakes come through, and you have to decide whether you're gunna redo the whole damn thing, or screw the mistake and publish. This has the potential to be an excellent, relaxing track. You might find that you're getting better reviews by playing with a metronome track over headphones. The composition is quite nice. You lose lot by losing the rhythm, which to me is always a do-over error.

Enjoyable, nonetheless!


DjSkyFall responds:

i know but i probably should of added it wasn't a full on project, it was more of a quick inspirational work, atm I'm busy working on other tracks as well as one here on NG, so that's why i pointed out my mistakes, i hope this clears that up... but i loved your review and i will tell you this.. i will go back and re-do the song when i get the chance and fix it... Thank you!

Well orchestrated, nicely done! I really did enjoy this! A couple improvements I could suggest though:

-You need contrast in the volume. Your instruments are going at a very steady volume, and so the punch you composed isn't getting played! Time to fiddle with the levels!
-The piano, while lovely, is a bit repetitive. See if you can't get a bit more out of it by making the arpeggios have a couple 'filler' 16th notes. You're in a slow 6/8 or a fast 3/4 timing, so you can mix it up a little by having the 4th arpeggio played in double-time. It would give the piano just a little more complexity.
-Finally, keep putting stuff like this out! It was awesome!


Mawnz responds:

Thanks a lot for listening and for the good feedback Ceevro!
I'm not too familiar with making orchestral. Played around with the volumes a little, but I wanted it to feel as epic as possible throughout the song so I got a little stuck and only went for minor changes :P Just dunno where I should adjust the levels T_T
As for the piano. The only little variation I put in was for the calmer part so it could probably use a little more variation apart from that!

Thanks again, much appreciated!


I agree with Diogenisis, it's close, but not quite there. I think the pace is actually very suitable, and I can certainly appreciate what kind of effort went into this. You've got good change-ups, there's certainly enough variety in the song to keep me listening.

For fun, try this: Change all your instruments to realistic-sounding midis (depending on your program, that should actually be pretty easy), then stick a crisp hi-hat in at 1/16 notes, with a regular, heavy kick with extra reverb at 1/4 notes. To pull it all together, set a bit of reverb and echo over the whole thing.

I love the composition, and agree that it would be excellent as a video game track as-is. But if you wanna claim Drum N Bass...

Keep playing!


Corode responds:

Thanks, I haven't been making music much after I released this, and yeah, the genre is opinionated by lots of people as something other than D&B, but that was the first thing that came to mind. Anyways thanks for the review and feedback, and you propose a nice idea :D





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