
133 Audio Reviews

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Well orchestrated, nicely done! I really did enjoy this! A couple improvements I could suggest though:

-You need contrast in the volume. Your instruments are going at a very steady volume, and so the punch you composed isn't getting played! Time to fiddle with the levels!
-The piano, while lovely, is a bit repetitive. See if you can't get a bit more out of it by making the arpeggios have a couple 'filler' 16th notes. You're in a slow 6/8 or a fast 3/4 timing, so you can mix it up a little by having the 4th arpeggio played in double-time. It would give the piano just a little more complexity.
-Finally, keep putting stuff like this out! It was awesome!


Mawnz responds:

Thanks a lot for listening and for the good feedback Ceevro!
I'm not too familiar with making orchestral. Played around with the volumes a little, but I wanted it to feel as epic as possible throughout the song so I got a little stuck and only went for minor changes :P Just dunno where I should adjust the levels T_T
As for the piano. The only little variation I put in was for the calmer part so it could probably use a little more variation apart from that!

Thanks again, much appreciated!


I agree with Diogenisis, it's close, but not quite there. I think the pace is actually very suitable, and I can certainly appreciate what kind of effort went into this. You've got good change-ups, there's certainly enough variety in the song to keep me listening.

For fun, try this: Change all your instruments to realistic-sounding midis (depending on your program, that should actually be pretty easy), then stick a crisp hi-hat in at 1/16 notes, with a regular, heavy kick with extra reverb at 1/4 notes. To pull it all together, set a bit of reverb and echo over the whole thing.

I love the composition, and agree that it would be excellent as a video game track as-is. But if you wanna claim Drum N Bass...

Keep playing!


Corode responds:

Thanks, I haven't been making music much after I released this, and yeah, the genre is opinionated by lots of people as something other than D&B, but that was the first thing that came to mind. Anyways thanks for the review and feedback, and you propose a nice idea :D


Not bad at all. I can see the nostalgia guys getting into this...I'll scout ya!

I don't know why, exactly...but this keeps me listening! It's like I need to know what's happening in the room!

sixshadowsix responds:

thank you lol i think

Screwing around with a copyrighted song isn't your creation. Yeah, I get it, you've got a speed-control. Great. Make some music now.

yobro89 responds:

Hey, this was a test.

This is more like it. You know what this needs? A thunderstorm in the background. I want the sound of a heavy rain in a car being driven on the freeway! Excellent...put this one on your album...and make it longer!

ThaKidd responds:

Sure, that's a great idea. I'll do it when I get around to it




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