Not bad at all! What this needs is some extra effect-vocals and sound FX. You need to add those little touches that turn a standard rap into something to focus hard on! Gimme some background touches!
Not bad at all! What this needs is some extra effect-vocals and sound FX. You need to add those little touches that turn a standard rap into something to focus hard on! Gimme some background touches!
Straight solid work! You earned full-marks here! And I'm a hard-marker! I almost wanna start rapping...
Thanx mayne, I'm glad you respect my work :D
I can see why this got stuck in your head! This takes me back to quest-games and anime and running through the bushes with a stick-sword! Half-point loss on the flute-sound. Sorry, just sounds a little too fake...though I couldn't tell you how to fix it, short of getting a live flutist! Excellent overall work!
It's actually a real flute sample - a chinese flute called a dizi. It was hard to work in though. Will keep working on that. Thanks!
Your composition and arrangement are quite good...though the instrumentation makes it feel like a SNES game score. Possibly the part where the bad guy makes his threats before sending the heroes on a long quest. Take my rating here to mean that while you did well, you didn't achieve what you were going for...specifically, horror.
Horror is about suspense, and then HUGE contrast. Think: JAWS theme.
This reminds me of an like this makes sure you know for a fact something REALLY shitty is about to land on your team! Point deduction for the lack of live guitars, and you could use a bridge to contrast. This has a lot of potential for a key-change!
I'm not super versed in the guitar world, but I do see your point with having a bridge to contrast, and I'll have to add that in, and changing the key is a brilliant idea, I am always stuck between two keys because I adore them that much, but to move it, would probably be helpful to find a new harmony and such.
Thanks for the review, I'll get working on the live guitars ASAP. :)
Great, catchy tune! The only complaint I might have is that it sounds too clean...needs a fast arpeggio in the background to round it out...
Beautifully done!
This is some of the best orchestration I've heard on this site. You definitely don't need me to tell you that you know what you're doing!
I barely know what I'm doing, actually. I'm probably the worst composer on this website to be honest.
Joined on 7/7/05