
133 Audio Reviews

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Your selection of category has been mentioned, so

You've got a solid groove going here. It just feels incomplete. You need either another instrument, or a vocal (I see the Mansonesque nature here, and I really do dig it). Try distorted, whisper vocals, which are easy for anyone, and can be done well with even the cheapest of mics. You've got something here, so touch it up, take it back to the drawing board, and make it into a pro-sounding tune. It shouldn't take much, with what you've already got going!

Some tips...

Your mixing program is creating a BIG 'tick' when you start a new loop. You can improve the vocals by adding in some reverb and autotuning it. As well, there's nothing wrong with 7/8 timing, it actually works pretty well, and simple guitar chords are what made U2 into what it is. Don't give up on this, but I think it needs a reworking.

Good luck with it!


Wicked guitar skillz!

I love the sound you've come up with here...gritty in the extreme, while actually showing some real musical proficiency. That's something so very few grunge tunes actually do. I may be forced to steal a guitar riff or two, hope you don't mind!

ShanZE responds:

Thanks! As pretty much always with my songs, the rythm guitar is very simple since I have to able to play as I sing in a live situation :D Lead guitars are usually improvised. Hearing this song for the longest time I gotta say, I'm pretty pleased with my playing! Vox aren't too bad either although they're a little off there and there. What mostly bothers me with my older songs are the lyrics. I feel like everytime I write new lyrics they're better than the previous ones. These are pretty old by now and some parts seem a little...stupid :D But the chorus is still pretty good, that's got to mean something!

Anyway, thanks for the review, I got a little lost there and started reviewing my own song :'D

Excellent cover!

You lose a point for it being a cover, but you've mixed it as proficiently as I've ever heard! Keep this up, and you'll get signed for sure!


I can't say that I'm a big fan of the genre, but you seem to be mixing with a certain amount of talent...this would have been excellent Sega Genesis music. I'm pretty sure that most people purchasing albums would want a higher quality of sample, but that's just me. Try doing the same thing, but substitute real instrument samples and see if you don't like the results a little better.

A decent start, this needs more work...

You have a very pleasant melody here, but there are a few issues you should address. 1. You guitar is out of tune. 2. You are getting static in the rendering process. That could mean that you have too much going on, or that one of your connections isn't as good as it needs to be. 3. Your mix is off. The lead needs to be about 20-30% louder.


You lose a point for not letting us hear the rap that goes with it. This is wonderfully well mixed, and eminently listenable, with enough variety to keep the listener interested. Good work!

That something extra....

This one has it! You've got some great subtlety going here...this is the type of thing I'd expect to hear as a sci-fi fight scene track. Like so many other artists on NG, you do need some kind of live vocal or instrument to give the impression that it wasn't done on your home computer (I know, it likely was...but a decent vocal gives the IMPRESSION that it wasn't....nowadays, that's really all the industry people have to go on when it comes to why they get paid and you don't!). Keep it up!

NoodleKnickers responds:

Thank you! It means a lot. I do agree, about the live vocals/instrument E.T.C. The thing is, I'm not looking to get well known or anything. I just to this as something fun to have when I'm bored or something. But thank you all the same. I appreciate it!

Not bad...

What you have here is a pretty standard club mix. The quality and mixing are quite good, actually, but you need a better hook. With the talent you've shown in the mixing, you could be putting together more memorable stuff. Think about it this way...if someone were to hear your song at a rave, they'd probably enjoy it. But how would they go about it if they wanted to hear it again? There's nothing here that would distinguish it from any other techno beat...

Good work, overall...just not original enough.

Bass Nectar, anyone?

Not a bad start (you're looking for feedback, so I'm reviewing it as a work in progress). First, kill your lead instrument! The melody is right, the instrument is not. The deep bass beat you have going is done with HQ samples, but the lead makes it sound like an 8-bit piece. Second, keep that beat! It's awesome! Third, if I were you, I'd pull some speech samples...maybe political rallies or movie clips. This has that kind of epic, tense feel...Last, build a bridge. I know you're just starting on this, you've got a good verse. Needs chorus and bridge.

Hope that's helpful!


GodBlock responds:

Yea I'm not overly happy with the sound of the lead but I like the melody, much appreciated comment.




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