
133 Audio Reviews

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Thoughts while listening: Great piano intro, loving the syncopated rhythms! Lots of great changeups...aaaaaaand it's over! What?

Thoughts after listening;

Some improvements;
-This is an amazing start, but it's only a start. You should really flesh this idea out.
-Not sold on the buzzy synth thing. Too much of the song is done with realistic-sounding instruments, so the synth feels really out of place.

Some good things;
-Awesome rhythms here! Very dynamic, and original.
-Great changups. This doesn't give me time to get bored before you throw something totally new into the mix.
-Excellent piano playing. I don't know if you've programmed it in, or if you can actually play like that, but either way, it's perfectly composed.

Overall, this is a great start! Like something for a rock-opera. I would really be interested in hearing a more complete version. Please develop this! If possible, you might wanna get a vocal section involved....I think that MetalRenard here on NG is a good rock vocalist. Make this into a full-on piece! You have Ceevro's stamp of approval! Which is worth...uh...*checks pockets* $0.73, a black bic lighter, and some lint!

4/5, come participate in the "Review for Review" audio-forum thread, and share some of your knowledge and talent with us!


Czyszy responds:

Wow! Thanks so much for the detailed feedback. :D

Thoughts while listening:
Sounds a little more like a shopping theme than a tavern theme, but that's just me. At least the chord progression is a bit more interesting than most. Nice transition at 1:10. Seems like you've got two solos going on between the strings and the piano at the same time. Works well as a loop, though.

Thoughts after listening, while letting the loop go:

Some improvements;
-Would like a more realistic-sounding piano. The midi you have there is close, but just a little too...early electric piano sound.
-Would like a bit more change in the dynamics.

Some good things;
-Nice work on the percussion. Keeps the changes coming, appropriate fills, etc.
-Excellent soloing work. They go where you want 'em, and have a point and a build to them.

Overall, I didn't get a tavern feel, but rather a more energetic feel...sort of the background music I'd expect at the mall. This isn't a condemnation of the piece, but just noting that it didn't feel to me like where you wanted it to be. Take that as you will. You do have a very solidly composed piece here. As good as any professional composition, really. I think that what it's lacking is more realistic instrumentation, to really bring it into the pro-realm. Give it some consideration.

4/5, R4R


Jernemies responds:

Thanks for the critique :)

That's an interesting perspective about the shopping thing, never though about it that way. I still don't, but I guess it's not that far from what could go with it.
Fair points about the piano and instrumentation, but also in this case: "Eh, could be worse." Noted for the future though.

Thoughts while listening:
Ugh, that hissing/ringing sound is killing me! Chord progression is good. Epic-type pacing. Waiting for something overtop of the chords. Timing mixup at 1:30 is confusing me...does make for interesting listening though. Finally, a change at 2:45 to piano, with a melody line and everything! OK...full minute of the same two notes is a bit much. And now you're simply putting all the parts together. Something of a melody going at 5:30.

Thoughts after listening:

Some Improvements;
-This song takes way too long to make it's point. The chord progression shouldn't go through 24 bars to establish itself. Look back at your mix, and anytime that you have the exact same thing playing for more than two loops, delete the extra loops.
-The hissing/ringing sound you had at the beginning made my ears bleed a little. You might think about some more tight sounds to use for percussion. A long-ringing sound makes a good cymbal, but it shouldn't be used as a hi-hat.
-The two-note piano build takes way too many repititions to fall into the rhythm section, where you eventually put it. Make the switch, and don't keep us in sus...

Some good things;
-Epic-type sound.
-Honestly, the piano solo could stand on it's own as an instrumental. Well-done.
-Some really skillful mixups in the rhythm, and effectively used.

Overall, this piece has the sound your were going for, it just takes twice as much time as it needs to take to get there.

3/5, R4R


ChromaShift responds:

Thank you for this detailed review and some things that will help me to improve. I edited my track and uploaded it on my profile, maybe it's better this time :D
Also thank you for a honest review because this helps me much more than just a 5 stars voting without mentioning why.


Thoughts while listening:
Love the opening beat. The backward violin sound is a bit loud for the mix, kinda buries the piano.
Interesting change-up at 1:00. Some nice jazzy chord choices on the piano.

Thoughts after listening:

Some improvements;
-The backward violin sound (might not be what you used, but what it sounds like to me) is too prominent in the mix. Almost drowns stuff out, and it goes on a bit too long in the intro...not on the first listen, but quite quickly, it would become grating, I feel.
-Would it be possible to adjust the piano up an octave? You've got everything in the same sound-space, so it's difficult to hear the melody.

Some Good Things;
-Great vibe going here!
-The piano solo is wonderful...would like to hear it a little more clearly!
-Awesome adjusments on the percussion. Great to hear someone giving it the attention it's due!

Overall, very original-sounding piece you've got here. Kinda what I'd expect out of an eccentric Anime, like Akira. I very much likes! Double-plus-good!

4/5, R4R

JandreParis responds:

A doozy! Highly appreciative of this!

A) Ah, the reversal sound is the same piano you hear in the track. You're right, it's a tad too loud and goes on for quite some time. Certainly can be changed.

B) Surely an octave up would make it much easier to hear! Good suggestion.

The overall theme I was trying to go for here was to make it as acoustic sounding as possible, even while using artifices of the real counterparts.

On the percussion: I love drums, even though I'm not a drummer or bongo player (hope to be someday in the future, coordination permitting) and I wanted to create that same sound you'd get out of a real kit - meaning total manual velocity changes and full use of everything at your disposal. Makes for some pretty dynamic stuff!

Thanks ya kindly, fine sir!


(P.S. - Suggestions have been addressed!)

Thoughts while listening:
Not quite sold on the instrumentation for the arpeggios...sounds like an 8-bit effect with real drums...interesting. Nice atmosphere at 1:15...good build at 1:30. Would like a real sax, but that still doesn't take away from the composition. Nice sudden ending.

Thoughts after listening:

Some improvements;
-It's risky to mix live-sounding FX, like the drums, with more artificial FX, like the arpeggios you have going at the start. In this case, I'd suggest trying a bitcrusher on the percussion, just to see if it doesn't mix in a bit better. It might not work, but it's worth a try.
-Brass instruments are often quite fake-sounding. The issue is that they sound just real enough to be...unnerving. Sort of like a robot face that looks almost human, and is creepy because of it. You may wish to look at some better sax samples to make it really pop, or go entirely electronic.
-Solo needed a real clincher at the end. Would be nice to finish on a powerful high note, just to punctuate it.

Some good points;
-Love the groove. This could be used for a great Noir theme!
-Lots of nice little changes, which keeps the piece interesting.
-Loved the sax solo, in terms of composition. Style/mood really fits the piece.
-Great pacing. Not often NG composers keep the pace going right. Too many people just rely on a loop to fill time, instead of sculpting every second, like a musician should. Good work.

Overall, you have a great feel going here, and a great sense of composition. I'd love to hear this redone with more consistant instrumentation.

3.5/5, R4R


Thoughts while listening: Hmmm...nice chords used there...build-in at 00:39 was nice. Very nice. And now the piano pulling a little into the lead. Good melody...perhaps it would stand out a little better an octave higher? Love the rain-pad...I'm a sucker for rain-pads.

Thought after listening:

Some Improvements;
-Yeah, the piano solo needs to be an octave higher. The reason being that the guitar is playing in the same musical space as the piano, so the two just blend together, and it's very difficult to hear the solo. That's why the lead guitarist always plays so high up the neck!
-Needs some rhythmic variety. Good drum beat, but it could use some fills. Also, the chord progression is pleasant, with some interesting chords in there, but again, repetitive rhythm.
-Guitar sound is a little harsh. Lessen the attack to make it sound a bit more mellow.

Some Good Things;
-Chord progression uses some great minor 7th-sounding stuff. Not many composers here make it out of major/minor. Appreciation.
-Well mixed. Good volumes.
-Great atmoshperic sound. Again, I'm a sucker for rain-pads.

Overall, not bad. This can certainly be developed more, and has the potential to be fleshed-out into a pretty epic track. However, the repetitiveness of it might lend itself to a more loop format, rather than a full song. It might make a decent video game backtrack, for example. If you want it to be more of a full song, I'd suggest adding in some more in-depth structure, and if I may be so bold as to suggest, a string section could tie the atmosphere together a little more solidly than it already is.

3.5/5, R4R


Thoughts while listening: Nice initial sound! Pretty epic beat, nice flow. Not sure the chorus on the vocal works well. Be careful on the content on NG...not like you can't be offensive here, but you can expect some people to get offended. But hey, that's rap for you. I've offended plenty in my time. Not really much new in terms of subject matter here...There's something to be said for originality.

Thoughts after listening:

Well, you're good enough to be scouted, for sure. I agree that the issue is one of putting a few more songs out there, as well as being active on the site. I'd recommend joining the "Review for Review thread in the Audio Forum, to draw some attention to your music.

Some improvements;
-We've heard the money and hos thing ad nauseum. You've got the flow, we get it. Tell me something I haven't heard.
-The chorus on the lead vocal makes it hard to hear the words. It can be used for backup vocals, sung pieces, etc. Would recommend it for the lead rap.

Some Good Things;
-Super-refreshing to hear a decent rapper on the site. I'm getting sick of listening to back-tracks, and it's great to hear the lead being taken.
-Perfect back beat. You know your mixing.

Overall, solid hip-hop. Props!



Thoughts while listening:
Some messed-up FX. Love me some theramin, fer sure. OK...waiting for all this build-up to pay-off...not confident at the moment. Halfway through. Aaaaaand building again...2:15...This isn't going anywhere, is it? Good rumble at 2:40...

Thoughts after listening:

Some improvements;
-I agree with Crimsonskies. There's no structure. It's like a porno with no money shot. True, it's interesting, but I feel like there was no reward at the end of all that.
-You know, I can even get on board with all the experimental stuff. I would probably have loved this if it had resolved into just 10 seconds of dubstep or something with a beat.

Some Good Things;
-One of the more interesting soundscapes, with lots of neat stuff to listen to and single out for attention.
-And it was your first jam with the new equipment, which is saying something, considering the diversity of the soundscape. I expect amazing things in the future!

Overall, you have achieved the goal of 'experimental.' I don't know what to make of the results of the experiment, but I'm kinda wondering what the takeaway is for you. What did you learn here? This song leaves far more questions, for me, than answers.

3.5/5 R4R


Thought while listening: Sounds very early-techno. One minute in is a long time for an intro in a 3 min song. However, when the melody drops, it's quite lovely. Wait! There's more than 2 chords (1:33). Nice, cool piano lead. Kinda feels like the type of music one would have in a flying game...or The Neverending Story. The strings fill the ambient space nicely.

Thoughts after listening:

Some Improvements;
-Percussion is almost never touched. Gotta get those drum-fills in there. Gives the song something for the listener to anchor to.
-Intro is too long. While I'm not quite on the mainstream's assumption that you must drop your hook within 15 seconds, 1/3 of the length of the whole song is too long for the listener to wait, in most cases.
-If you're only switching between 2 chords, your lead needs to be there to maintain interest. Listen to Katy Perry's song "Teenage Dream," paying attention to melody and rhythm. The song is genius at keeping the listener's attention while repeating 2 chords and never deviating. Good place to get some cues on how to do it.
-The lead-line is pleasant, but has little or no hook. If someone were to hear your song, and couldn't remember the name, what would they hum to a DJ to help them figure it out? How would you hum this to a producer to get them to give your demo CD a listen? These are essential questions for any musician to ask themselves.

Some Good Things;
-Steady, pleasing to the ear, quite toe-tappy.
-Instrumentation was spot-on, as was the mix.
-Enough breaks to keep it interesting.

Overall, this is fine background music, but it is ultimately unmemorable (apologies here, I know this is a bit harsh, but I truly want to help you get better) in the massive clutter of songs whipped-up in FL Studio. You have managed to copy a specific soundscape, which is an essential skill in your toolbox, and now it's time to use it for something. What is your message? What are you trying to say that hasn't been said in ways so close to yours as to be indistinguishable? You have an audience here at NG, however small, so what are you going to show them that will keep them coming back? When you can answer that question, you will make some truly outstanding music, I have no doubt.

3/5 R4R


Lethal-Input responds:

Thanks for the informative response! Especially the last paragraph. I'll take it to heart.

Thoughts while listening: WAAAAAAY over-distorted lead. Not badly played, slight screw-ups on timing, but hell, I do that too. I think you may have your compression thresholds set wrong as well. I'm noticing clipping on the quiet-end, which shouldn't be there. Punk section is a reasonable chord progression, needs the lead back.

Thoughts after listening:

Keep in mind that I am massively biased towards live guitars, but I'm an acoustic player, so my admonitions here may well be fairly off.

Some improvements:
-Your lead is ridiculously distorted. The lead guitar should be the least distorted sound in the band. You gotta get those notes to ring clear so that the dynamics of your playing can come through.
-Also, remove the compression, and work with your volumes instead. You're seriously clipping any light sounds, which makes your notes come in late at times.
-Like you said, the track isn't finished, but you still have much work to do. Hopefully putting in some bass and vocals, right?

Some good things:
-You play quite solidly. Appreciation.
-Nice composition. Sensible lead, good chord progressions, appropriate percussion.

Overall, this need to be recorded again, unless you wired your raw feed directly into the computer, like I do it, and added your FX digitally. If you did it that way, you may be able to save the original lead recording by adjusting all your settings in your DAW. I find that the best way to record a guitar, even heavily distorted electric, is dry. No FX, no pedals, nothing. Just put the raw feed into your mixing program and record it right there. Most DAWs have guitar settings, amps, and FX built right-in, and you can change them even after the recording is done. Helps so very much with the mix!

Unfinished, so please forgive the low rating. I will gladly review the finished product when you get it done. Just lemme know!
2.5/5 R4R


lantaren responds:

Thank you for taking the time to review this!
I've recently re-adjusted my amp settings so that the drive isn't ever more than half-full at any time.

I probably should re-record it - this is a mostly dry recording. I only fixed some timing errors and arrangement in general, but for the most part it was just line-in > record > arrange > export, very little work was done as far as mixing/mastering (at this point). Looking back, I agree with almost everything you've said. No amount of tweaking has really fixed anything though, unfortunately.




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